Ongoing: Online Tapestry Feedback Groups, once a month via Zoom for 2 hours. Small groups gather to share work and get and give constructive feedback, resources and encouragement. Contact me for information.
March 14. Into the 3rd Dimension, online presentation, Harmony Weavers.
March 23. Contemporary Tapestry: Trends and Traditions, online presentation and discussion. Intermountain Weavers Conference.
October 5. Adventures in Paperweaving. 3-hour hands-on introduction to weaving image and structure together with paper. Turquoise Raven Art Gallery, Cortez, CO. Email Mary Fuller at Turquoise Raven to register.
June 17-21. Weaving Landscape in Tapestry and Using Photos to Design Tapestry. Intermountain Weavers Conference.